
YOU NERED TO DELEETE THIS and translate into english 麗晶生化科技源起於1953年,由一群堅強的組識團隊深根於台中,致力於專業化妝保養品領域中研發、製造到生產,秉持專注創新、技術的know-how以及滿足客戶全方位需求之精神






ENGLISH ONLY CONTENT FOLOWS::::因應市場環境變化,我們不斷的求新求變,走在流行時尚尖端,長時間累積下來的獨到眼光及經驗、創新革命的技術理念、認真敬業的經營態度、專業的O.D.M代工,並以穩健、負責及誠信為原則。




2017 首次創辦「愛氛享七感療癒意識」展覽

2016 通過GMP22716 歐盟認證

2015 投資千萬升級廠房

2012 成立「植覺」精油品牌

2011 成立「太平洋」化妝品品牌

2010 通過IS9001品質管理認證

2008 第七屆德國慕尼克國際專業化妝品包材、原料暨機械商務交易會

2007 臺北國際醫療器材、藥品暨生技展覽會

2007 第七屆馬來西亞國際美容美髮展

2007 參加第十二屆杜拜國際香水、化粧、美容、美髮、健康及SPA展

2007 參加第17屆國際美容化妝品展

2003 創立「PARIS FASHION」專業SPA連鎖加盟店

1995 開拓保養、化妝品OEM市場

1993 於中國 - 南京 投資並設立「南京姿丹娜日化實業有限公司」

1987 取得與英國NATURE PLANT合作生化科技,生產植物生化、科技化妝保養品

1983 取得與日本NOEVIR化妝品代工合作

1955 創立生產護膚保養品:小白菜、珍珠膏、素珍珠膏

1953 於台灣正式成立,設廠於台中縣。致力於專業保養、化妝品的研發製造、生產、整體規劃、管理與經營


ODM/OEM代工 承辦國內外各類產品
整體形象設計規劃 承製各種產品生產製造
專業課程教育培訓 (針對不同系統、市場培訓)
現有品牌行銷合作 提供包材、周邊配件服務


First communication
Product discussion

confirm the product/ characteristics/ Functions/ price setting/ packaging materials

Designing the sample

according to clients’ needs and wishes designed and developed

Sample testing

experience the sample

Sample confirmation

double check the sample and formula

Quality control
Filling and packaging
Final product examing


If you have enthusiasm for skin care products or trying to realize your unique and brilliant ideas about your own brand, then yes! And we can provide the professional services to develop and manufacture for your specific needs, whether you are an online retailer, distributor, or wholesaler.
Because cost is determined by quantity and methods of production, a quote cannot be given until after further discussions on details and expectations. We will also inform you in advance of any extra charges that may be incurred related to design and production. You do not need to worry about unexpected fees.
Usually the price per unit will increase when a low quantity is produced due to a lack of full use of production time and input capacity. However, through further discussion on expectations we can figure out the right minimum quantity that bests suits your budget and demand.
In a typical case it takes about 20 days after confirming packing material and formula to conduct the shipment.
We will completely support and guide you through the entire ODM process from plan drafting to deliver the goods while providing technical advice and marketing experience. Contacting us and letting us know your needs would be a good first step.